Boost Your Nonprofit’s Marketing Strategy with Outsourced Content Creation

Most nonprofit marketers fail to have a consistent or integrated content strategy, hindering their outreach efforts. With content marketing being the most impactful marketing tool at our disposal, now is the time for nonprofits to step up their content game and stand out against the competition.
Creating and publishing each piece of quality content can take hours, a significant time investment for nonprofits already stretched thin. It can be a daunting task, from research, writing, and editing to revisions, proofing, and getting approvals. Not to mention creating an editorial calendar and ensuring that your plan matches your marketing strategy.
When deciding whether to keep content creation in-house or outsource, nonprofits should consider their goals and the resources they have available. Are they trying to maintain or increase their current level of content production? How often should they post on social media? Who will write and publish the posts? Should they expand to new social media platforms? Do they have the manpower to handle all of this?
If nonprofits want to expand or are unhappy with their content creation process, outsourcing their content marketing may be a viable solution. Partnering with experts frees up time to focus on clients and business goals, and nonprofits can still be as involved as they like in their content strategy. Outsourcing also removes the need for additional staffing and allows nonprofits to benefit from the experience of professional content creators.
Outsourcing content creation can be a simple yet effective solution for nonprofits looking to improve their content marketing strategy. By partnering with experts, nonprofits can create and publish quality content consistently while freeing up time to focus on their core mission.

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